Employee Spotlight: Meet Rodney

Rodney Tillman
Warehouse worker
Started with UBlast in 2022

What does an average day look like for you?
I operate the forklift, manage inventory, fill out stencil orders for our customers and general housekeeping. 

What aspect of your job do you find the most fulfilling?
Getting an order in a timely manner, it feels really good to exceed our customers expectations

What’s your favorite project that you worked on at Ublast?
Inventory control and material organization. I like helping the company be more efficient.

What are some activities or hobbies you enjoy outside of work?
Ride my Harley motorcycle, remodeling houses and being a barber

What is the best trip or vacation you’ve ever had?
My trip to Chattanooga Tennessee for my birthday

What is a meaningful quote or mantra that you live by?
Positive mind and thoughts bring about positive outcomes.

Fast facts

Favorite movie: Tombstone
Favorite food: Steak
Favorite sports team: Pittsburgh Steelers
Coffee or tea: Tea
Early bird or night owl: Early Bird