Employee Spotlight: Meet Desirae

Desirae Saxon
Sales + Marketing 
Started with UBlast in 2023

What does the average day look like for you?
Working mom! Take my daughter to school, work, repeat!

What makes Ublast different from other companies?
We strive to be more personable. 

What aspect of your job do you find the most fulfilling and why?
Getting to converse with all walks of life.

What are some activities or hobbies you enjoy outside of work?

Are there any interesting facts or hidden talents about yourself that you’d like to share?
I am a great cook.

What is a meaningful quote or mantra that you live by?
Be the change you wish to see. Never be afraid to be yourself and go against the status quo.

Fast facts

Favourite movie: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Favourite food: Hispanic
Coffee or tea: Coffee but I love tea
Early bird or night owl: Early bird gets the worm!