Employee Spotlight: Meet Angie

Account Services
Started with UBlast in March of 2023

What’s your favorite project that you worked on at Ublast?
Take care of customers’ needs, take orders, bills, deposits. Also the POC for our marketing team Cream and Sugar

What aspect of your job do you find the most fulfilling?
Serving and helping others

What makes Ublast different form other companies?
The owner genuinely cares for his employees. He also strives to have the best products for his customers. 

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on at Ublast? Why was it your favorite?
I love being a part of the Spotlights we do to show off our customers. 

Best advice you’ve been given in your career?
That you can start again tomorrow

Activities and Hobbies outside of work:
Seeing new places, especially mountains & waterfalls 

What is the best trip or vacation you’ve ever had?
Going to several Florida Springs 

Are there any interesting facts or hidden talents about yourself that you would like to share?
I love to draw, paint and create things

What is a meaningful quote or mantra that you live by?
Still I rise. I think its better to stand up and face life rather than lie down and take it.

Fast facts

Favorite movie: X
Favorite food: Pizza
If you could travel anywhere, it would be: Switzerland
Tea or Coffee: Both!
Early bird or night owl: night owl
Do you have any pets? What are they:  Yes, 1 bully letty and two cats (Sesame + Mischief)
Mountains or beach: Mountains
Cats or Dogs: Cats, I can pet and love on them more