Signs by Van

A vibrant place to work with tons of hired talent

At U-Blast Stencil, we value our customers and love to highlight their businesses. Signs by Van did a rapid fire interview session with us. Check out his responses below. If you’ve been considering using U-Blast, don’t hesitate to reach out. We have a sampling program and offer satisfaction guaranteed on all our products! We strive to be that company on the side that balances tradition and innovation, ensuring that the pricing remains competitive and the industry thrives. So, why not give us a chance?

Name: Jeremy Vanderkraats 
Company: Signs by Van  
Title: Owner 

What is your company like?
It’s a vibrant place to work with tons of hired talent.

How many people work there?

Where are you located?
Prunedale, CA.

Do you specialize in a particular thing?
Everything dimensional and beautiful.

What is your role here?
I am the owner. I’m responsible for keeping the ship afloat and moving in the right direction.

How long have you been doing this type of work?
My whole life, but in a full-time role, 12 years.

What does a typical day look like for you?
Extremely busy. Starting at 5am and usually ending around 5pm and then working from home as needed.

What’s your favorite part of your job?
Working through build challenges and the ups and downs of business.

Is there a particular project you’re proud of?
We are working on a large Carousel restoration for California’s Great America.

Please describe the project.
It’s a top to bottom restoration of the carousel including the structure and the horses. It’s a really cool project.

What made it unique?
You just have to see it to believe it. Check it out on our Instagram.

Do you have any videos or photos of the project you can share. If so, please send them  along
All of them are on Instagram.

What do you like about working with U-Blast Stencil products?
We find that U-Blast Stencil products work really well for us. We just started using the product and we have absolutely no complaints to speak of! Whether it’s wood, foam, or stone, we find that the product sticks and cuts very well on our plotter.