Sunburst Memorials

Sunburst Memorials has been dedicated to delivering high quality granite products since 1971

At U-Blast Stencil, we value our customers and love to highlight their business. Our latest feature is about Sunburst Memorials. Sunburst Memorials has been dedicated to delivering high quality granite products since 1971! They are a client centric, employee owned company. In this edition, we interviewed Dylan Gertken, their Fixed Operations Manager. Learn more about Sunburst Memorials and Dylan Gertken below!

How many employees work at Sunburst Memorials?
Around 80.

Where are you located?
Headquartered in St. Cloud, MN with over 22 retail locations across MN, SD, NE, IA & MI

Do you specialize in a particular thing?
We specialize in manufacturing, servicing, and installing finished natural stone products.

What is your role?
I am the Fixed Operations Manager. I lead and guide the managers of our Purchasing, Production, and Installation teams.

How long have you been doing this type of work?
I have been working in the memorialization industry for over 12 years.

What does a typical day look like for you?
I ensure our Operations Teams are supported to ensure that quality, efficiency, and strategic goals are met.

What’s your favorite part about your job?
We are a people first company, with an exceptional culture. We have strong company values and work diligently to live them everyday. Most of all, I enjoy the relationships built and comradery at Sunburst Memorials.

Is there a particular project you’re proud of?
New Prague Veteran Project. This is a large veteran project that we sold, manufactured, and installed in New Prague, MN. We do a number of veteran memorials each year but this one stands out because of the long timeline from bid to completion. The scope of work was significant and took a team effort.

Were there challenges you had to overcome?
Sunburst Memorials strives to be a leader in quality. Attention to detail at every stage is critical especially when it comes to projects of this size.

What do you like about working with UBlast Stencil products?
UBlast offers quality service and a high-quality stencil product. We have tried other stencil products, but none are as durable and stay adhered as well as UBlast.